Oslo: An extensive study of eighth-grade children in Norway revealed that people who are accustomed to reading books and other writing material on a smartphone, tablet or computer screen should not be able to focus on a particular topic. There are problems, they become too restless and unstable.
Oslo University professor Marty Blaxtad Balas contributed to a detailed study on children in Norway. This study examined mathematical abilities and other related skills in eighth-grade local children. During this study, it was also revealed that mathematics of these children was very weak compared to children studying in the same class twenty years ago.
“It is disturbing for teachers that, compared to 20 years ago (students of the same class), longer sentences have been difficult for today’s students to read.”
Blackstead Balas told a local journalist about it. He said that “Told me. According to him, even though our brain perceives and reads writing on digital media as writing, there are many things that can disrupt the writing on this (digital) media. The result is that our mind’s ability to focus at one point is affected and we are not used to reading long sentences in sequence. Then, too, the habit of reading short sentences impairs our mood, which hinders learning anything new.”
Blaxstad Balas places a great deal of responsibility on the loss of a new generation’s memory, saying that when you consciously know that doing a “search” on the internet is all kinds of information. If you do not find it necessary to remember everything and thus affect the memory at an early age.
“Compared to that, reading traditional books by hand is better than memorizing,” said Anne Mengen, a researcher at the University of Stavanger, who supports Bilxstad Balas.
It is to be noted that digital books are sold in large numbers in Norway while strict penalties are imposed on them. Due to the advancement in digital technology, the practice of printed paper books in Norway has been minimal but thanks to digital media, new problems are coming up which experts are preparing to tackle.