Studies on digital media impair memory and attention, research

Oslo: An extensive study of eighth-grade children in Norway revealed that people who are accustomed to…

Research: Seeing only greenery is also beneficial to health

London: There are countless benefits to spending time in trees, plants and vegetables. Experts say that…

A smart bracelet which can change colours to match your outfit

Experts in the fashion world have invented a scientific bracelet that is capable of changing the…

Elegant painting transforms the glass bottle into art

The art of painting is displayed on various items around the world, these items are seemingly…

Google and Levi’s will introduce the ‘World’s First Smart Jacket’ this year

According to Project Jacquard, Google and Levi’s are going to release the world’s first smart jacket.…

The Future of Online Luxury Retail

Online luxury sales are expected to triple as a proportion of the total global luxury market…